Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Desperately Seeking YOU: Passive Job Seekers Need to be Found Too

With the continued need for top-notch talent and tight labor market, we recruiters are working overtime to find the right people for the job.  Time spent in front of our computer terminals is increasing, and our searches in LinkedIn, Facebook and our other toolboxes are our lifeblood.  Recruiters need to find passive job seekers, those of you who are possibly interested in a new job, but are fairly content in your current position.  So it is heartbreaking when one of my searches turns up the ideal candidate, but there is no way to reach this person.

My Mission:  My mission today is to get people to put their personal contact information into their professional profiles.  Whether that is in my main tool, LinkedIn, or if you are an active user of Facebook, CareerBuilder, The Ladders, or another online site, make sure you are reachable.  I know you want to control your privacy settings, but if you lock me out I can't reach you.

Here's my action plan to be found if you are possibly thinking about a new job:

  1. Make a LinkedIn profile that is similar to a resume.  
  2. On your LinkedIn profile, use an email that is active and you will receive messages for.  Seems simple, but too often we set up our profile with an old address, or that personal email we seldom check.  Well, guess what, if I send you a message in LinkedIn, probably you won't ever see it.  Opportunity is knocking.....
  3. Check your LinkedIn messages often.  Respond to them, including the best way to reach you if you are interested in hearing about possible opportunities.  I do encourage you to use a personal email account so that there is no issue with your current employer.
  4. Add contacts that you know.  The larger your network is in LinkedIn, the more likely you are to be found in a search.  
Help me out!  Desperate times call for desperate measures.  This post is completely self serving.  In turn, I look forward to helping you out with a great career advancement opportunity.  

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