Monday, October 5, 2020

2020 Wine Business Monthly Salary Survey

The 2020 Wine Business Monthly's Salary Survey can be viewed here:

Keep in mind that the salary information was put together in February 2020, right before the pandemic brought many businesses to a standstill.  Since then the pandemic has had a dramatic effect on employment in the wine industry, as well as many other industries. 

I was happy to see the information on gender pay in the wine industry.  Western Management Group is the company that puts together the salary survey data.  The company also does surveys for many industries, and this year the data was broken down by gender.  On page 75, Donna Bowman, survey director  of Western Management Group, notes that "wine has the best looking chart of anybody.  It's almost comparable pay.  They're really doing a good job as an industry to make sure the pay is comparable.  There's still room for improvement, but the wine industry is always a star performer."  

Let's keep on improving.  The job outlook will keep on improving and we'll be getting back to business soon.  

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